This section covers some key events that have happened since our premier July issue. If you have not seen the July issue yet, it may be worth your while to check it out.
The Ambrosia office has been pretty busy these last two months. Registrations slow down in the summer, so the whole office staff has been able to concentrate on supporting development. So with summertime almost over, you can at least look forward to some shiny new toys from Ambrosia.
Snapz™, Ambrosia’s latest utility program is in Beta testing as of 8/31/94. This is the final stage of development before release. Snapz is a handy screen capture program aimed at software reviewers and publishers. For more information about this handy program, select “Software Showcase” from the table of contents.
Apeiron™ is Ambrosia’s latest arcade action game. Originally scheduled for an early September Launch, unforeseen circumstances have delayed the release. Andrew had a little mishap with his Harley, and the magnetic field generated by his life support equipment was interfering with his Quadra. Cajun & I unplugged as many of the machines as possible (all those blips and beeps can get on a guy's nerves), but Andrew started to turn a rosy shade of purple so we had to plug a few back in. Stay tuned, Apeiron will be uploaded for distribution within a matter of weeks.
Chiral™ has won the 1994 ZiffNet/MacUser shareware award. These awards are based upon a program’s excellence and cleverness for programs released or significantly updated within this last year. Maelstrom™ won the same award last year, and we will submit Apeiron for next year.
eWorld™ is the latest online service to offer Ambrosia its own forum. Ambrosia’s forum went live Friday August 12th. We are very grateful for eWorld to offer us this opportunity to better serve the Macintosh community. Click on eWorld in the table of contents for additional information about this latest improvement to Ambrosia's customer support.
Maelstrom‚Ñ¢ 1.4.1 has been uploaded to the online services and sent to our distributors. If you currently have version 1.4.0, there are no significant differences (personally, I still prefer 1.4.0 and will continue to run that version). A few very minor changes have been made in the documentation. We have replaced our AppleLink address with our new eWorld forum address for example. A few of the sound effects have also been altered. Again, the changes do not warrant the download time if you have version 1.4.0. If you are currently running a version older then 1.4.0, you will want to get a hold of this new version. As always, upgrades are free to registered users. Registration codes for 1.4.0 will work for 1.4.1 (and all future versions).